Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Hill End Ecohouse

New cabinetry and driveway

The front fence has gone in, using recycled hardwood and galvanised steel. With a lively dog and a small boy, this makes the front yard more useable. The driveway, formerly permeable recycled concrete and brick gravel, has been replaced last week with concrete. The hard surface makes it easier for tricycles, bicycles and balls.
New cabinetry where originally intended in the Living Room
New Dining Room cabinetry in clear hoop pine ply.
New sideboard to Kitchen breezeway with detailing to match kitchen - clear and stained hoop pine plywood.

Summertime in the ecohouse

The house has passed the test in summer, without airconditioning, thanks to cool breezes and thermal mass. Mosquitos and other blood-suckers which share the riverfront site with its human residents have driven the need for insect screening.

A new, enhanced landscape plan is underway and the recycled (concrete and brick) gravel driveway at the front of the house will be replaced with a hard surface so that the youngest resident has somewhere to ride his bike and throw a ball.

Additional storage is being added - a necessity for a full, family house.

The river level subterranean Media Room has become a weekend home for a friend who works out of town. The lower level was designed so it could operate as a separate dwelling as needed.
The slot of sunlight from the Dining Room above and the corner window provide sufficient daylight - so much so that the ceiling slot is covered for m

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